

The Company has adopted internal procedures in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Law on so-called Whistleblowing (with particular reference to Legislative Decree no. 24/2023, the "Whistleblowing Regulation") and in any case with a view to spreading the culture of ethics and legality within the corporate organisation.

Whistleblowing falling within the objective and subjective scope of application of the "Whistleblowing Regulation" may be submitted to the Company through dedicated channels.

In particular, whistleblowing may include violations, of which the Whistleblower has become aware within the work context, consisting of conduct, acts or omissions that damage the integrity of the Company or the public interest and that consist of:

  • misdemeanours and/or violations of legal provisions as referred to in the Whistleblowing Regulations;
  • relevant offences pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 or violations of the Organisation, Management and Control Model, the Anti-Corruption Policy or the Code of Ethics of the Company.

Consistent with the Whistleblowing Regulation, specific guarantees and protections are provided for, under certain conditions, in favour of the Whistleblower, in some cases also extended to other expressly identified persons.

The Company will also handle any other communication (hereinafter 'Other Communications') relating to irregularities and/or violations of internal provisions or provisions of law that do not fall within the objective and/or subjective scope of application of the Whistleblowing Regulation that may be received through the internal channels indicated for whistleblowing. The constraints imposed by the Whistleblowing Regulation do not apply to such Other Communications, and the investigative activities shall in particular ensure the adoption of measures/precautions aimed at protecting the confidentiality of the identity of the subject that has submitted the communication, also in compliance with the applicable provisions on the processing of personal data.

The management of whistleblowing shall be entrusted to the Rai Way Audit Function, or, if involving one of the members of the Audit Function, to the Chair of the Supervisory Body.

The Company has provided the following internal whistleblowing channels:

  • Dedicated IT platform - To be preferred, accessed via the link;
  • A voice messaging system for verbal whistleblowing, which can be found in the dedicated IT platform mentioned in the previous point;
  • Paper mail to be sent in the manner indicated in the 'Whistleblowing Policy'.

Through one of the aforementioned internal channels, it is still possible to request a direct meeting for verbal whistleblowing.

For further details and information on whistleblowers, the violations and/or offences that may be subject of whistleblowing, the internal communication channels, the procedures for handling whistleblowing and the guarantees and protections recognised, please refer to the "Whistleblowing Policy".